Scheduling Questions

What is the best way for me to schedule an appointment?

Since we do not have staff, the best way to get an appointment is to schedule online. Click this link to be directed to our scheduling website!

Do you take walk-ins?

We do not. Our schedule is usually pretty full which does not allow time for a walk-in visit. When someone comes in that does not have a previously scheduled appointment, that takes away time from someone who already scheduled.

It doesn’t look like there are any appointments available at the time i need. What do I do?

The best way to get the day and time you need is to add yourself to the waitlist on our scheduling website. We get cancellations often. Adding yourself to the waitlist ensures we will call you first if the time you are looking for opens up.

Can’t i just call to schedule? I’m not good with the internet.

We encourage everyone to schedule online. This doesn’t mean we will not take an appointment over the phone but, we are very busy. Most days, we are unable to return phone calls for several hours. By the time we call you back, your requested appointment might be gone. The best way to schedule the time you need, is to do it online!

How do I schedule appointments for my whole family?

One way to schedule for several people is to make a profile for each of them on our scheduling website. There, you will be able to fill out intake forms and manage appointments in one convenient place. The second way is to schedule multiple appointments for yourself. Once the appointment is confirmed, there will be a section where you can write a note for us. Just let us know who the appointment is for and we will change the name on our end.

How can I make sure you can help me before I schedule an appointment?

We don’t know if we can help you until we examine you. Even if you tell us your history over the phone, we must do a thorough exam to know whether chiropractic can help. We recommend scheduling your first appointment in our office to discuss your needs. If we cannot help or we cannot treat you for any reason, you will NOT be charged for that visit.