Treatment Questions

What kind of issues can chiropractic treat?

A LOT!! We are not just spine doctors. If it is a joint, we can adjust it. We also help with muscular issues, neurological issues, and almost everything perinatal and pediatric. We recommend scheduling a New Patient appointment with one of our doctors to discuss your health and wellness concerns. Please note, if you want to use insurance, they will only cover spinal conditions.

What type of adjustments do you do?

We practice diversified chiropractic. This means that we mostly do the “cracking and popping” adjustments. Of course, each person is different so if it is in your best interest to have a different type of adjustment, we will do so. We never force someone to have a diversified adjustment and we do not adjust babies this way. Our doctors are extremely well versed in different adjusting styles. Whatever fits your specific needs will be how we adjust you, no cookie-cutter approach here!

How long will my visit be?

Your first visit is usually about 30 minutes. Follow up visits are 15 minutes. If you use the decompression table, that takes another 20 minutes. These times are not set in stone. Some people require more time, some require less.

What does the first visit entail?

We start with your history. Tell us about yourself and what brings you to our office. Once we have gotten all the information we need, we will do a thorough exam. This will tell us what is going on with your body, if you are safe to adjust, and if we can help you. If everything checks out, you get your adjustment! If you need muscle work, cupping, stretching etc. we will take care of that as well. Following your body work, we will give you recommendations on therapeutic exercises, ergonomic changes you should make, nutrition/supplement recommendations etc.